when it comes to yourself as a Catholic woman...

You give to everyone around you until you run around ragged
You make sure everyone is getting enough love and attention while neglecting yourself

Quiet prayer time, after all your intentions are finished, becomes uncomfortable because you feel exposed in front of God

You don't see yourself as graciously as other around you see you

Maybe you spend time beating yourself up because of little mistakes instead of giving yourself grace

You're comfortable talking about anything or anyone but yourself

Sound familiar?

that how you encounter yourself and let others encounter you is very important to how you encounter others?

Think about it. The person you encounter most often is yourself, if that encounter is less than genuine that's where you have practice.

And everyone knows, practice makes perfect.

Are you willing to let the in-genuine become perfect? Become your go to?

did you know...

what if we told you...

...There is hope; that the way to heal is to allow yourself to be encountered by Christ

Christ encounters you with a pure and undying love. One that led Him to offer His life for your very own. Such a pure love can be hard to encounter if we have practiced a lesser form for years.

What if we told you that we have a solution for you?

You don’t have to stay stuck in this position forever - we got you girl!

a virtual retreat and mentorship program


Encountering women in the example of Jesus, seeing with His eyes, with His love, and with His conviction of the truth.

A one-of-a-kind virtual retreat and mentoring program for Catholic women.
Be encountered, heal, and encounter others like Christ encounters you.

It is written on our hearts that we were created to be in communion with God. He desires to encounter us wherever we are. But in our brokenness we flee and make up excuses as to why we can’t accept God’s encounter. In running away for so long we forget how to let Him encounter us. We must relearn how to let ourselves be encountered by God and how to let that encounter HEAL us. 

In the example of that encounter, we then turn to LEARN how to encounter others with the same charity. We are able to learn how to meet other people where they are at. We are able to learn what a healthy relationship actually looks like and how to replicate it in our own lives.

And as we know people are more complex than they have to be sometimes, and being in relationship with them can be really challenging. Here is where we need PRACTICAL skills to navigate relationships that respect all parties and their dignity. Practical skills like knowing what boundaries are healthy to keep and when to drop everything and just love. How to have a tough conversation without confrontation. How to encounter someone who is broken or how to let someone encounter you when you are broken. 

a look into the program

Virtual Retreat

1:1 Mentorship

A one day virtual retreat featuring talks and discussion. The topics that will be discussed are particularly about Encounter and will deal with:
How to HEAL our encounter with God , how we LEARN how to encounter others, and how we encounter others PRACTICALLY in difficult situations. 

8 1:1 one hour mentor sessions with your mentor to go over things particular to you! Discover what it means to be a woman and how to live that out in your encounters with others.

Meet your mentors

Hi! My name is Ashley Diaz. I am a 23 year old gal from Georgia! I love coffee, long conversations, spicy food, and a good book!

My greatest desire is to build the kingdom! I am currently in school pursuing my B.A in Theology with a minor in communications! I currently work as the Director of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation at my parish! Ministry has been such a big part of my life for such a long time. My goal is to meet the Lord's people where they are at. To fully see a soul and to fully love them afterwards, that is my life mission. 

Ashley Diaz

Aside from that, I have been mentoring women for 2 years now. I know what it feels like to grow up desiring a strong woman of faith and seeking it in the wrong places. It wasn't until my current mentor walked into my life, scooped me up, and loved me in a way that represented what true femininity looked like. I encountered Christ through her and my own feminine genius. 

Shortly after, I grew a passion to lead women to the highest degree of love, femininity, & daughterhood. 

Let me be that for you.

Through heartache, grief, suffering, addiction, and redemption - I have fallen in love with the Lord in a way that can only come from heaven. I believe that for your life too. 

Let's run together to heaven, friend. 

Through the intercession of our lady - let's be the women the Lord created us to be. 

Hi there! My name is Laura Jean. I am the founder of The BLVED Collective and lover of the truth. I love popcorn, capsule wardrobes, learning, and spending quality time with the people I love.

I have been commissioned with a great mission to form the young people of the Church in the truth. Though this mission is daunting at times, I am so glad it is mine. Ministering to young women, walking with them through this life, and preparing young people for marriage is where I thrive and my heart is full. 

I have studied Theology for a number of years and have a Pontifical Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Theology. I have been ministering to young women for over 6 years now and love it more and more every day. 

Laura Jean

Growing up I was blessed to have an amazing formation by women who were real mentors to me. I hope to hand on this opportunity to other women, being that mentor and teacher of the truth. Someone to walk with them, answer their questions, and point them to Jesus.

As someone who isn’t a stranger to suffering, I know what it means to be accompanied by someone through any and all seasons of life. We all need someone to count on, I am here for you. 

You can learn more about Laura Jean on her personal Instagram @laurajeantremblay