
A formation program for young people who believe they are called to be married one day; whether they know their future spouse or not yet!

A truly Catholic intellectual and practical formation to learn about and prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage.

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ask yourself...

Do you imagine that one day you will get married? 

Do you know what a good, holy, happy, healthy marriage requires?

Are you ready to spend your time working on yourself to better be prepared for marriage?

Made BLVED is a program dedicated to helping you become the best individual you can be so that when the time comes you can seamlessly transition into being one with your spouse

if so then you are in the right place!

Hi there! My name is Laura Jean. I am the founder of The BLVED Collective and lover of truth. I love popcorn, capsule wardrobes, learning, and spending quality time with the people I love.

I have been commissioned with a great mission to form the young people of the Church in the truth. Though this mission is daunting at times, I am so glad it is mine. Ministering to young people, walking with them through this life, and preparing them for marriage is where I thrive and my heart is full.

I have studied Theology and Psychology for a number of years and have a Pontifical Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Theology. I have been ministering to young women for over 6 years now and love it more and more every day.

Meet Laura Jean

John Paul II is one of my biggest inspirations especially when it comes to forming young people. His writings have influenced my own life and I continue to learn from his wisdom and witness daily. He had a heart for young people in the Church, as do I. In his example I have dedicated my life to minister to young people in the Church. Specifically to minister to them in the marriage formation space.

I truly believe that uncovering the beauty and preparing for marriage well will change the culture for the better. Marriage and the family are under attack and very misunderstood. We must reclaim a proper understanding of marriage and the family and form ourselves to best be able to live out our vocation. 

breakdown of the program

Video Lessons

Live Meetings

The lessons are designed to go at your own pace, one lesson per week is advised. The convenient online access for the videos makes them easily accessible at any time. 

Group sessions, small groups, and guest speaker sessions will all be held via zoom 10 out of the 12 weeks at the dates and times scheduled and will be recorded in case you have to miss the meeting live.

sign up

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Made BLVED is a 12 week program set up as a virtual hybrid, live and go at your own pace, program.

The goal for creating the program in this way is to make it accessible and easily adaptable to fit into your unique pace of life while still maintaining a group aspect and accountability.



Uncovering the truth of human nature and the vocation to marriage formation program


I absolutely love the gap that this program fills--women who are seeking marriage and not engaged yet can often be forgotten or dismissed with a trite "You'll know when you meet the right one", or "All in God's time". We need to be reminded and empowered that there ARE things we can do in this state in life to move towards our goals.


The flagship program of The BLVED Collective. Made BLVED is a formation program for young people who believe they are called to be married one day; whether they know their future spouse yet or not!
An intellectual and practical formation program that is jam packed with goodness designed to make you fall in love, grow deeper in understanding, and be more prepared for marriage. Made BLVED is a program dedicated to helping you become the best individual you can be so that when the time comes you can seamlessly transition into being one with your spouse.


I feel like first off, if you are discerning Marriage seriously, this is the course for you. However, I would even recommend it to anyone who is discerning in general ie not sure if called to Married life or Religious Life. I have never had a theology of the body course nor have received any training on NFP. I felt like it changed my understanding of how I view myself but also others around me. I feel like the first three weeks were fundamental in anyone's discernment journey in understanding the beauty of the gift of the human body from God, its abilities and it's functions. Also healing too, realizing how many misconceptions I had. 

- Erin

program sections

Section 1

man and woman: our anthropology

Section 2

In this section we rediscover what it means to be human, male and female, and how we are to live in accordance with our fundamental desires.

In this section we dive into what marriage is from an intellectual point of view. What is necessary for marriage to be valid, Sacramental marriage, and depth of beauty that is to be found in marriage.

The program is split up into 3 sections

Section 3

In this section we learn about practical things we can start doing today to prepare for our future marriage and family.

sign up for the wait list to be notified for the next round

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understanding marriage



download packet


Not interested in Made BLVED for yourself? I've got you! 
Download the Made BLVED Packet below - it contains even more information on the program and how you can help me get the word out about it!